“A ship is always safe at the shore, but that is not what it is built for.”
– Albert Einstein
Something happened years ago that I forgot over time. At the age of 19, I was mistakenly invited into an exclusive leadership group of men – “mistakenly” because I had no business being there. A group of eight men met weekly to discuss a current book, memorize Scripture, and hold each other accountable to a code of living. Each held leadership positions in their campus fraternities.
Our bond grew strong. We helped each other through difficulties and rejoiced in individual victories. Our mentor (who would later get his PhD in philosophy) made sure we stayed consistent. In later years, our little group would leave an impact on the entire campus, and I would share my story in front of an overflowing auditorium of 1800 people.
When I left college, I struggled to find a community that fueled me the same way. As time passed, I eventually categorized it as a unique experience and figured I wouldn’t find it again. But I never gave up hope on living with that same level of passion. I tried about a hundred other ways to do it myself. It didn’t work. That’s why I’m committed to making real, unwavering support available to anyone.
These make up the critical path steps to the ultimate goal of building a network of closely-allied groups – each one committed to the success of each member.
Time is the one asset you lose and can never get back. Don’t waste it going alone. Leverage the collective wisdom of a peer group. Build bonds that may last a lifetime. And have a heck of a lot more fun. Science even shows you’ll have a longer, healthier life.

Our paths first crossed at a networking event. After lots of stories and a few hundred miles cycling, we opted to do this thing together.